A slow start to the new year
I’ve been slow to add content this year so far. I find myself slipping into old traps–producing no output because I’m devoting time I don’t have to improve the depth of the content.
There’s nothing wrong with aiming for quality over quantity. But when “quantity” drops to zero, that’s an issue.
It started with my ongoing feature “Fresh off the Arxiv”. My goal was to output one entry at least once a month. But I found this fascinating paper by the Shimano group, who claim to have measured the Higgs mode produced by a high temperature superconductor, Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 (Bi2212). This led me down a rabbit hole of what conditions are required to see a Higgs mode in a superconductor. Fascinating stuff, but I only have the time to look at it in fits and starts.
That blog post is still coming, but I need to reorient my content in general to prioritize items that can be put together on the hour or less timescale. Or I need to give up sleep. Also an option.
Anyway, this month I plan to up the content to about twice a week. So stay tuned…